Maeve is a Brooklyn, NY based narrative cinematographer, camera assistant, and owner-operator of wireless follow focus and RED DSMC2 packages. When not on set, she works as a colorist and stills photographer.

When acting as Director of Photography, Maeve favors stylized, subjective cinematography that portrays the intimate emotions that go unsaid in a story. Much of her work comes from collaborating with fellow queer artists and filmmakers to explore narratives that challenge and celebrate our ideas of sexuality and gender.

As an AC they gravitate toward the detail oriented work of the camera department and gets a kick out of the job’s intellectual and mechanical puzzles to be solved, from organizing and troubleshooting to rigging and building cinema cameras. (She has a working theory that AC’s are all really just lego kids who had to grow up.)

Originally from East Tennessee, Maeve graduated Sarah Lawrence College in May 2024 where she studied Filmmaking, Gender & Sexuality Studies, and Literature. In their free time, Maeve enjoys reorganizing her bookshelves, analyzing Taylor Swift lyrics, and drinking too much coffee.